Health / Pandemic Prevention Initiative

Pandemic Prevention Initiative

Current Initiative


The Pandemic Prevention Initiative has united 40 partner organizations, spanning sectors and regions, in support of an early warning system to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases. We bolster local, regional, and global institutions, elevating national expertise and leadership. Our efforts are concentrated in three key areas: technology and innovation, capacity-building, and global policy.

See the Signals

Why it matters

Climate change amplifies epidemics and raises the risks associated with pandemics. The Covid-19 pandemic reshaped the world’s economic, political, and environmental course. To mitigate future threats, the world needs a multisectoral, intercontinental, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and highly dedicated approach.

    lives were lost to infectious diseases in 2019, accounting for 14% of all deaths worldwide [World Health Organization]


    deaths attributed to Covid-19 globally in 2020 [World Health Organization]


    novel disease outbreaks are predicted in the coming decades compared with the past

Impact Stories

Principles for Resilience

This playbook brings together learnings and experiences from the response to the Covid-19 pandemic to inform city-level action towards health resilience in the future.

Read the playbook