Power / Energy Transition Accelerator

Energy Transition Accelerator

Current Initiative


The Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA) strives to curb global warming by catalyzing private investment in holistic energy transition strategies via innovative jurisdictional-scale carbon credits. This approach directly compensates developing countries for verified emissions reductions.

The ETA mobilizes new finance by forming a coalition of companies and institutions committed to paying for verified power sector emission reductions through high-integrity carbon credits.

Why it matters

High-integrity carbon credits are part of how we transform our energy system and reduce emissions. We know we have to act with urgency. There are stark differences between a world that warms at 3 degrees celsius and one that warms by 1.5 degrees.

    invested in clean energy globally is needed by 2030 to keep 1.5°C within reach


    the current clean energy investment is needed to reach this goal


    have committed to net zero climate targets as of November 2023

Impact Stories